Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cold and quiet

Today is St. Patrick's day but we won't be having any Guinness or Irish whiskey. Pheriche is bitterly cold and remarkably quiet. It has been snowing intermittently all day with only a couple patients and no one showing up for the lecture.

It is so cold that Arjun started the yak dung fire in the afternoon (usually reserved for after dark) and Jeet made extra tea and popcorn. Since no one showed up for the lecture, we retreated to the nearby tea house for a beer and an attempt at internet access but the connection was poor. Maybe tomorrow.



  1. Glad that you guys made it safely, that there is beer to be had, and that you are writing this awesome blog!

  2. At least you were drinking the ole brewsky on St.Patrick's Day.....Love hearing about your patients and how you are keeping warm with yak dung! Back here, the snow continues to fall .....another 12 inches! Keep blogging! Mom :-)

  3. We missed you at our St. Patty's Day celebration! - Michelle =)
